Tailored rates
to meet your protocols

Alerts configured
to improve compliance

Post-Event Reports and
notifications by e-mail

Proven Partner

More than 200 publications from different parts of the world testify on the practical and clinical benefits of using LUCAS.*
With over 50 000 LUCAS devices deployed a patient is treated every minute.

* The LUCAS generations are similar in most respects and deliver chest compressions according to the AHA and ERC guidelines, they differ somewhat in mechanical design and usability.

LUCAS fits most patients

LUCAS can be used on adult cardiac arrest patients who fit into the device. Using the LUCAS device is not restricted by patient weight.


LUCAS fits large patients

US version - for Intl. English version, see Resources

Can be applied quickly, with interruptions of less than 7 seconds


Levy Clinical summary

US version - for Intl. English version, see Resources

Cath Lab compatible

X-ray translucent optional back plate to allow for interventional life saving procedures and bridge to definitive care.

Allows various angles
Most radiological projection angles can be used during LUCAS CPR.


LUCAS in the Cath Lab
US version - for Intl. English version, see Resources


LUCAS 3 facilitates user insights...

    The device captures compression statistics, pauses, user modes and device alarms and alerts, presented in easy
    to read summary report, timeline view and event log. Review LUCAS data at the end of the case or shift to learn from each code.

    ...and version 3.1 allows for even more

    LUCAS 3 has Bluetooth® communication and version 3.1 also has Wi-Fi® connectivity with LIFENET® System.
    This enables device readiness notifications, setup options and transmission of device reports to users over e-mail.

    LUCAS 3, version 3.1
    Chest Compression System

    We continue to innovate the LUCAS platform with Wi-Fi connection to the LIFENET System and integration into CODE-STAT 11 Data Review Software.

    The newest version of LUCAS 3 allows for configuration to meet your local protocols; creates seamless post-event reporting and makes the device easier to own and maintain. LUCAS now has even more advanced capabilities but keeps its simple user interface.

    LUCAS 3, v 3.1, LIFENET and CODE-STAT are available in major markets. For details on local regulatory status, availability and data connectivity, please contact your local Stryker sales representative.

    LUCAS 3, v3.1 Your partner in life support
    Meet LUCAS 3, v3.1 Data Sheet
    Checklist LUCAS 3, v3.1 Defining setup options
    LUCAS 2-3 Accessory catalog
    LUCAS Connectivity guide
    LUCAS Implementation guide
    US versions - for Intl. English version, see Resources

    multiple device parameters
    to better meet
    your protocols**

    (Rate change on the fly)


    Suction cup
    (AutoFit, QuickFit, manual)

    (Number of prompts, alerts,
    pause duration, chest rise)

    Audible Timer
    (continuous or CPR Timer)

    Wi-Fi & Bluetooth

    Asset notifications &
    Post-Event Reports


    Setup options should be changed only under the direction of a physician knowledgeable in cardiopulmonary resuscitation who is familiar with the literature in this area.  

    If setup options are not applied, the device will operate according to its factory default settings,
    which are identical to LUCAS 3, v3.0 and LUCAS 2, v2.2.

    The training, application steps and user interface remain the same as for LUCAS 3 and LUCAS 2. 

    Connecting LUCAS to LIFENET

    With your LUCAS purchase you will get a LUCAS LIFENET Asset account. Read how to connect and set up your LUCAS in the Connectivity guide

    Merge reports in CODE-STAT 11

    LUCAS Post-Event Review is integrated with CODE-STAT 11.

    Instructions for Use

    The Instructions for Use provide a complete overview of how to use and apply LUCAS 3, version 3.1; indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and potential adverse reactions. All users must read and fully understand the entire Instructions for Use before operating LUCAS Chest Compression System.

    View the latest version of the LUCAS 3, v3.1 Instructions for Use

    LUCAS 3, version 3.0
    Chest Compression System

    LUCAS 3 is the third generation LUCAS device, built on the LUCAS legacy. The 3.0 version was launched in major markets around the world during 2016.

    Compared to LUCAS 2 this generation and version has improved features to faciliate maintenance and handling and allows for new insights through easy, wireless (Bluetooth) access to device data.

    LUCAS 2-3 accessory catalog

    US versions - for Intl. English version, see Resources

    Instructions for Use

    The Instructions for Use provide a complete overview of how to use and apply LUCAS 3, version 3.0; indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and potential adverse reactions. All users must read and fully understand the entire Instructions for Use before operating LUCAS Chest Compression System.

    View the latest version of the LUCAS 3, v3.0 Instructions for Use

    LUCAS 2 Chest Compression System

    LUCAS 2 was launched in major markets 2009.

    The LUCAS 2 device is battery operated and easier to use
    and maintain than LUCAS 1.


    LUCAS 2-3 accessory catalog

    US version - for Intl. English version, see Resources

    Instructions for Use

    The Instructions for Use provide a complete overview of how to use and apply LUCAS 2; indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and potential adverse reactions. All users must read and fully understand the entire Instructions for use before operating LUCAS 2 Chest Compression System.

    View the latest version of the LUCAS 2 Instructions for Use

    Contact us if you have an earlier version.

    LUCAS 1 Chest Compression System

    LUCAS 1 - the first generation of LUCAS. The device was launched in 2003 and it was driven by compressed air, whereas the later generations are driven by battery.

    If you have any question about this generation please contact us.

    Take the next step

    Want to talk to your sales representative? Please fill out the form on stryker.com and we’ll connect you with your local Stryker Account Manager